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It’s time to uplevel your business friend, I’m talking about smart marketing strategies that just make sense. Creating an irresistible lead magnet is important, but if you stop there you’re leaving a lot of moo-lah on the table. Read on to learn how to create a simple sales funnel for service-based businesses.
So you nailed the first step of your sales funnel. Congrats! Now it’s time to greet your new subscriber with a kick ass thank you page. This should be engaging and show your gratitude that they invited you into their inbox. Now it’s time to deliver. I am talking about really serving your people!
Your thank you page and welcome email are perfect platforms to upsell your new lead. They have just opted in to your freebie, they’ve provided you their email address, they are listening to what you have to say at that moment, why not tell them more?
For service-based businesses, I recommend offering a free discovery call, assessment, audit, strategy call, etc. This gives them an opportunity to experience a taste of working with you, and you can get to know them. You deliver some value and then if you feel that they are a good fit to learn more about your paid offers, you ask if they’d like to learn more about how you support your clients.
Here’s the key to this strategy. Your time is limited and you only want to hop on a call with qualified leads. So on the thank you page, you ‘ll share the benefits of the call, who it’s for, and then give them a button to APPLY for the call. From there, they’ll click to fill out an application and book in the free call using your scheduling tool. Once submitted you’ll have the information needed to decide whether to confirm or cancel their call and ensure that you only speak with serious leads.
Ok time to put this all together! First, you created a lead magnet and started promoting it. This encourages clients to opt in to your email subscription link. Once they opted in, they are greeted with your thank you page and the opportunity to book that awesome free call I mentioned earlier. At this point, they should also receive an automated email, thanking them for their subscription and delivering your lead magnet to them.
Along with a series of pages, you will also develop a series of emails. The entire purpose of obtaining their email address is to nurture or develop your relationship with them. Consider this a lifecycle. You want to provide value and encourage them to invest in your other programs and services. But you have to serve them FIRST. So, you’ll develop an automated email sequence that is sent out once they opt in. From there they receive various emails based on where they are in your funnel. This accompanies the sales funnel to nurture your leads over a period of time if they DON’T continue through your funnel initially.
And there you have it! A simple sales funnel for service-based businesses. If you don’t have one going already, it’s time to start building one. Creating a sales funnel will help you automate the client prospecting aspect of your business, and later on, will help you present your audience with bigger and better offers as you create them!
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