You’re ready to stop feeling like an employee in your own business

To shed the belief that you have to follow other people’s rules in order to succeed

To stop sacrificing and reclaim what was always yours…

Your freedom, your power, your vision.

Let’s  change  the way you run your business. So that your business stops running you.

It’s time to let go, lead, and become the CEO your business needs.

This high proximity 6 month mastermind is where I partner with a maximum of 15 CEOs to scale your income and freedom.

…by application only.




The Unshakable CEO™

This is for the visionary entrepreneur who is done settling

And is ready to make CEO-level moves to scale their business AND their freedom.

  • You have an online expert or service-based business. 

  • You’re ready to fully step into your CEO role.

  • You want to scale your business & your freedom.

  • You’re a high-achiever: incredibly hardworking and have a big vision… but your high standards are keeping you stuck in the day-to-day grind.

  • Your business is making multiple 6-figures per year and you know you’re capable of reaching 7 figures.

  • Whether you have a team, you’ve hired before (and got burned in the process), or are ready to hire your first team member, you know you need a high-performing dream team to run the day-to-day, so you can focus on doing what you love.

This is for you if…

Michelle Vroom

Kathryn has helped me double my revenue to $320k by hiring team members and becoming the leader I always knew I could be. Thanks to Kathryn's honest, tough love approach, I have learned how to keep emotions from getting in the way of my business and am making big moves to grow a sustainable, thriving business long-term. I can't say enough good things about Kathryn - her support will take your business to levels you never imagined!

Seanna Asper

Prior to working with Kathryn I was in the process of making the first hire in my business. I was still at the point of doing everything myself and my business lived in my head. I didn’t have clear documentation or processes in place for anything in my business. Hands down the biggest win I had from working with Kathryn was getting organization in place and building out well documented processes to help me scale. Kathryn is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to business processes, team management, and company leadership. She is great at helping get into the nitty gritty of business details and also at taking a step back and looking at your leadership and mindset as a whole.

Stephanie Skyzowski

I had convinced myself that I could only grow to a million dollars, or I could only have 5 team members. Now, we have a really strong model that we can continue to replicate, an org chart that is infinitely scalable, and the right leadership positions in the company to help me manage and grow the business. I’ve far surpassed the limits I had put on myself before in terms of both revenue and team growth so that we can serve more clients and have a greater impact.

Christan Wilson

If you need accountability, systems, and a clear path to booking clients in a way that keeps you accountable to the lifestyle you truly desire, you need Kathryn. I am forever grateful for her seeing my potential and calling it out, even when I doubted myself. She's truly exceptional and will hold your hand literally every step of the way.

It means transitioning from doer to leader and learning to run your business like a CEO.

I’ll show you how.

If you’re committed to scaling from multiple 6 to 7-figures, your business needs you in the CEO role. And that’s more than just a fancy new title.