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How to make $25k, $50k, and $100k+ months on repeat
I’ve always been super independent.
Once I became a mom I encouraged independence in my children as well.
It’s something I’ve done from the beginning, and I suppose it’s just the way I’m wired, because I’m passionate about creating independent businesses too!
Just like I’ve taught my kids how to get results without relying on me, I teach CEOs how to grow businesses without relying on them.
Because if you want to scale a business, results can’t be entirely dependent on you. Otherwise, when you stop – your business stops.
Your business needs to be able to create results without you.
Hey, everybody. I want to tell you a little bit about my parenting style, but that's going to relate to the way that I do business as well and an important lesson that I know I had to learn that I think you need to hear also. So I've always been pretty super independent myself. And once I became a mom, I encouraged independence in my children as well. Once they could talk, I encouraged them to order their own food at restaurants. And if they needed a drink refill or a dipping sauce, I taught them how to ask for it. When they were hungry and thirsty at home, they knew where to find the snacks and how to get their own drinks. And as they've grown, they've even learned how to cook a few things on their own.
If they wanted to spend the night, maybe with grandparents or a friend. They needed to pack their own overnight bag. Sure, by the way, we would double check all of this, the process. Just like when you teach anyone how to do something, we would supervise or we would double check, but we always taught them how to do these things on their own. Even, like, let's say they had their own money and we went to the store. We taught them how to pay for items themselves at the cash register. Or if they wanted to order something online, They didn't just tell us. We helped them navigate and add something to the checkout cart.
It's something I've done from the beginning of parenting, and I suppose it's just the way that I'm wired. I didn't really think that it was a big deal or different until along the way, we just started receiving comments about our kids being able to do some of those things, like ordering their own food at a young age and things like that. And by no means am I saying that that's the right way. I don't think that this is the way it has to be. It's just my style. It's just the way that I I'm wired in the way that I approach parenting. But because I'm so passionate about creating independence, and I'm just wired that way, I think I carry that into businesses too. I think that's why I love what I do because I get to create independent businesses and give CEOs their freedom.
Just like I've taught my kids how to get results without relying on me, I teach CEOs how to grow businesses without their businesses relying on them. And if you want to scale a business, If you really want to truly scale, not just grow, but scale a business, then results can't be entirely dependent on you. As long as you are the one whose time limits everything in your business. Then your business is going to be able to grow, but not truly scale because, eventually, your time will be the limiting factor. Maybe it already is. Maybe when you stop, your business stops right now, and your business needs to be able to create those results without you even when you stop, whether that's vacation or whether that's time off for something that happens in life. Your business needs to continue to create results. Now, I also want to be clear that this isn't necessarily right from the beginning.
So if you're a brand new business owner, if you haven't yet learned how to do these things yourself, Then just like my children couldn't feed themselves when they were infants, I needed to be there. Right? I needed to know how to feed them before I could teach them to feed themselves. But eventually, of course, they're ready for that transition and your business will be too. I believe it's important for you to create the results yourself before you try to automate, systemize, delegate. Why? Because even though eventually results won't be fully reliant on you, as a CEO, you're still responsible for the results. You'll still be leading your team, analyzing those results, envisioning the future, making decisions, and so you need to understand how to get results. You just don't have to be the one doing all of it. And there are really 2 different types of categories a result in your business that you need your business to be able to create without you.
So let's touch on both of those. 1st, its revenue and everything tied to revenue. Your business needs to be able to attract and convert clients, even when you're not working. And again, for those new business owners, don't rush too quickly to get to this phase. Go learn how to market, and sell yourself first. But once you're getting results, once your offer is validated, then it's time to either automate, systemize, delegate so that new clients can still come in, new sales can still be made even when you're not working. Some people scale their results around revenue without them, day to day hands on without their time. When I say without you, again, I really mean without your time, without a direct correlation of trading your time for money.
Of course, there's still things you've got to think about, make decisions about, approve of, or whatever, set up in the beginning, all of those things. But then, once that's done, you're not trading your time for money. So some of the ways that people have done that when it comes to revenue are things like sales funnels or even hiring a team member and delegating things that need to be done manually. Once you've figured out your simple growth strategy, You want to start to remove yourself from it so that revenue doesn't depend on you. The 2nd type of result is client results. This is especially tough for my service providers, my coaches and other experts, whether consulting or education type offers. If you are someone who really resonates or really identifies as an expert, It may be hard for you to let go of client results. It may be hard for you to step back and figure out a way for your clients to get results without you.
And, again, it's not without your knowledge, your process. It's distilling all of that either into something like a curriculum or a course where they can follow along and get that information without you. It's where you can shift 1 step at a time away from 1 to 1 hand holding every, you know, conversation being unique and custom to the person to being able to really distill things into a process that you can teach and coach and, you know, consult on in a one to many format. It's being able to teach what you know to someone else on your team so that they can help your clients get the same results even when it's not you. And all of that might seem scary, especially, like I said, for those of you who identify as experts. But if you want to make the biggest impact possible on this world with your area of expertise And if you want more free time, then this is another area where You will trade time for money unless you let go, unless you begin to set your business up to create client results without you. So on both sides of the business, bringing in the clients and the revenue and then helping clients get their own results. Your business needs to be able to do both of those things without your involvement every single day.
Now, again, I'm not saying 0 involvement. It doesn't have to be nothing. Right? Maybe you go from having 31 to 1 calls down to 1 group call per week. And you're still showing up for that hour, But even then, if you're not there, you could bring in another team member to coach or bring in a guest coach so that the program could keep running even if you're on vacation or even if you are sick. And that's the goal here. It'd be much more difficult if you got sick to reschedule 31 to 1 calls or bring in someone to handle all of those. So you're looking at how you can make your business scalable by making sure that your business isn't dependent on your time. In order to scale your business.
Your business will ultimately need to be able to generate revenue and client results without being fully reliant on you. Your business needs to be able to keep running even when you slow down.
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