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Whether or not you launch smoothly determines which type of “Launch Hangovers” you end up with. Sometimes, it feels like an indescribable high followed by an intense crash! In this episode, I share the two types of launch hangovers.
My clients who recently had a wildly successful launch caught me by surprise by using the phrase “launch hangover”. If launching isn’t new to you, you might be able to spill a few post-launch horror stories of your own. I was a bit triggered by this phrase, until I realized there are actually two very different kinds of launch hangovers:
The first type is the launch hangover I thought of first. It reminds of a college girl during finals week who had little sleep, wore the same clothes every day, and chugged energy drinks to make it through the week. She was all on her own because it was all up to her to pass her exams. Then one day, she wakes up with puke in her hair after partying too hard.
Does this kind of launch sound familiar to you? It’s the kind where you hustle to do too many tasks the day of, stay up until wee hours of the morning and get up early to do it all over again, face tech troubles and forget things. By the end of the launch, you don’t care how much you sold because you just want it over.
To me, the second type of launch hangover is like the morning after my wedding. I remember feeling like I was on cloud 9. I was exhausted, but in a different way. I planned all the details of my wedding well in advance and I hired people to execute the day of. I just showed up to do what only I needed to do- I walked down the aisle, said “I do”, danced, and stayed up late to celebrate it all.
This is the kind of launch hangover that I want you to have! As an integrator, I work in advance to streamline launches- systematizing, automating and delegating- so that my clients can enjoy the launch. This requires planning, assigning tasks, writing and scheduling launch content, setting clear roles for each team member, and prepping everything in advance so that there’s time to test before the cart opens.
A launch should look like this: staying up late but only so you could countdown and celebrate the launch numbers, taking note of – but not feeling crushed by the things that can be improved, and feeling exhausted from showing up fully and with wide-open energy and from giving your launch everything you’ve got!
My clients made over 6-figures in 5 days. The team celebrated every single milestone during the launch. We were literally counting down to our goal and watching as we blew past it. This is the what-a-launch-should-feel-like kind of a hangover!
Cheers in advance to your next successful, smooth launch! See you next week!
I'm coming out of a launch week for a client of mine. It was a wildly successful launch, more than tripling their sales from the same launch last year. And yet the day after it was all over, my client caught me by surprise by using the phrase, launch hangover. Now if you've ever launched before, the phrase launch hangover will likely resonate. I learned what true exhaustion was after my very first launch of my business, and I have heard all the post launch horror stories from other entrepreneurs. Some have launched themselves right into the hospital, while others ignored their business for weeks or gave up altogether after their launch. These stories are quite common. And while this is far from my first launch, I was still surprised and, honestly, a bit triggered to hear the phrase, launch hangover.
At least until I realized that there are 2 different types of launch hangovers. I gave it some thought and realized they're 2 very different kinds. Now The reason I was triggered is because when I think of Launch Hangover, I was thinking of the first type. The first type of a launch hangover is the kind that I try to help my clients avoid. It reminds me of a girl in college who woke up with puke in her hair after partying a little or a lot too hard after finals week, a week with little sleep because she was pulling all nighters to cram for an exam or write that last minute paper, the kind of week where she wore the same clothes every day until that final night out and she chugged energy drinks to make it through the week, The kind of week where she was all on her own because it was all up to her to pass her exams. Do you recognize this kind of a launch? The kind of a launch where you're setting up the checkout the day of, changing the sales page while people are still on it, writing launch copy minutes before it goes live, staying up until the wee hours of the morning and then getting up early to do it all over again, having tech troubles or forgetting things, and, by the end, not caring how many spots you sold because you just want it over. That's the kind of launch hangover that I was thinking of. But after talking to my clients more, I realized there's actually a second kind of launch hangover.
And to me, this one felt like the morning after my wedding. I remember feeling like I was on cloud 9. It was all a blur. I was exhausted, but in a different way. I had already planned every detail of my wedding well in advance. I hired people to execute the day of, photographers, videographers, a wedding director, a DJ, and on and on. And they took care of all of the details. And I just showed up to do what only I could do.
I walked down the aisle right on time, said I do, laughed off the little things that didn't go as planned. I danced. I took 1000000 photos. I talked to everyone. And I stayed up late to toast and celebrate it all. If there's going to be a hangover after a launch, this is the kind of hangover that I want you to have. I work in advance to streamline launches, to systematize, automate, and delegate so that my clients can relax and enjoy the launch. And that does require a lot of work upfront.
It requires planning and assigning every task, writing and scheduling all the launch content, setting clear roles for team members, prepping everything in advance so that there's time to test, staying up late, but only so you can count down and celebrate the launch numbers, taking note of, but not feeling crushed are the things that can be improved. And, yes, feeling exhausted from showing up fully and with wide open energy and from giving everything you've got. This week, my clients made over 6 figures in 5 days off of a $149 offer. The team said they felt like they should have been doing more, but that everything was already done. So, we just checked the sales numbers, and we dropped GIFs in Slack and celebrated every single milestone. I was literally counting down to our goal and then watching as we blew past it. And, yes, there was a launch hangover, but it was the cloud 9 just set a new launch record for the company. I'm an introvert and need to recharge, this is what a launch should feel like kind of a hangover.
If you have a launch coming up, go ahead, do yourself a favor and prep for your launch ahead of time so you can focus on showing up, going all out and celebrating during. Here's in advance to your next successful launch.
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