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You may want to hit a certain revenue goal or serve a specific number of clients in your business, but a decision must have commitment and follow-through to create results.
Not only do you need to decide what you’re going after, but you also need to commit to that decision and take the action necessary to make it happen. There is a cycle to commitment, and there are times when it’s naturally high and can wane. Understanding how to overcome when commitment is low is crucial to your success.
Today, we are talking about the topic of decide and commit because here's the thing, decisions without commitment, do not equal results. When you make a decision, that decision is only as good as your follow through. So I'm gonna talk first about the Dunning Kruger effect. Many of you feel that you need confidence in order to take action. And I wanna show you a little cycle that happens whenever you start to feel any lack of confidence. So first the Dunning Kruger effect, the Dunning Kruger effect is when you start something new and you have very high levels of competence, but because it's something new, you have low levels of competence. Competence, not necessarily meaning you have no experience at all, but maybe you don't have experience in marketing it. We're not saying you don't have any experience in what you do in your business, but there's something new that you're doing here that you have a low level of confidence in yet because it's a brand new idea, you have high confidence level.
Right? So think about this, when you think about vision and you get this big picture or of what you want to accomplish, you get really excited. I'm sure you do. I do as well. You get so excited and your like, okay, this is it. This is the big idea. This is and it could be vision about anything. It could be, this is my new offer. I'm so excited about this team member, it could be literally any decision that you make in your business in the moment you feel so confident that it's the right move and you start to take action towards that.
But the more action you take, the more you actually learn and the lower your confidence is. Because in the beginning, you didn't know what you didn't know. Your confidence was high, not because you knew all of the challenges you were gonna face, but because you didn't even know about those challenges, as you begin to take action, you start to see things, oh, I'm gonna have to do this. Oh, this is gonna be a challenge. Oh, this is harder than I thought it was gonna be. Have you ever felt that or thought that? And so as your confidence begins to dip, here's what happens. Most of the time, I see that at the bottom of this, CEOs, business donors just change their mind. They say, okay, that isn't gonna work for me.
I need a new offer. I need a new target audience. I need a new strategy. I need a new team member, whatever it is. They just their goal right back and they get this other idea and they're like, okay, that was really hard, but this thing, this is it. Right. And you go back to that peak of confidence only to take the same route again and have a cycle going over and over and over. Right? It's it's this cycle.
And if you instead, even when you feel that lack of confidence move forward, that you would learn more. If you keep taking action, you don't actually fail, you learn a lesson from it to get better results next time. So either you fail and give up, AKA change your mind, you might not give up on your entire business, but you might give up like, these are small give ups. Right? They're the micro things you're giving up on and pivoting on changing your mind versus you say, you know what? I'm gonna learn from this. So either you fail and give up or you don't take action at all and you don't learn anything, or you take action expecting to fail, knowing this part of the journey and learning from it and figuring out what the lessons are. And the more lessons you learn, the higher your confidence level and the higher your confidence increases. Okay? So that's the Dunning Kruger effect. And I wanna relate this to something I call the high commitment or the low commitment cycle.
When we talk about just a commitment cycle in general, I wanna show you how this works. Most of you are looking for confidence first. You're like, I want to feel confident about the direction that I'm going in, the confidence as it come first, commitment does. 1st, you make a commitment, then you have to have courage to take action. Then you build that confidence and then confidence comes and that confidence is going to just filter and lead right back into commitment. Right? When you have commitment and courage and competence and confidence, it builds this high commitment cycle because that confidence speeds right back into taking more action and to being committed to what you're doing. So it just spirals in a really good way when it's a high commitment cycle. The problem is most of you aren't starting with commitment.
You're not making a commitment until you feel confident, but that's not how it works. So then you've got this low commitment cycle. There's a lack of commitment. You're waiting to feel confident. You're waiting until it feels like the right next step. The problem is the right next step is simply a thought. The right anything is just a thought you're telling yourself. And so that also means that if you're saying this isn't the right fill in the blank, that's also a thought, right? So you're waiting to feel confident, but the reason you don't feel confident is because you're telling yourself you don't have the right next step or you don't know what to do or etcetera, etcetera.
Right? We could fill in the blank with all of the thoughts that lead to lack of confidence. But when you have that lack of confidence, there's a lack of commitment. And of course, when there's a lack of commitment, there's gonna be a lack of courage. They're not taking action, then a lack of confidence because you're not growing and learning any lesson. Right? Let's talk about this. I I touched on it briefly, but you can either take action, fail, and learn something from it in order to get success in the future or you choose to fail ahead of time by not taking action at all. The lack of courage, the lack of even attempting something is going to lead to a lack of confidence, because you're not learning from it. You're not learning the lessons that you need.
Every step you take in your business, you are either going to get closer to success through learning, or you're going to succeed as long as you don't give up. But you've gotta have that courage even when you're not confident to learn what you need to learn. And if you have a lack of commitment, lack of courage, lack of confidence, then of course it's just going to turn into a lack of confidence and then that spirals into just a continued lap. When there's that lack of commitment, you just jump strategies because you jump from one thing to the next thing, to the next thing, does this resonate? If this is making sense, if you've ever experienced this, the question then becomes, all right, what do I need to do to get out of a low commitment cycle and get into a high commitment cycle. Well, if it's a future result that you want to create, then you need to start with commitment and courage. You haven't done it before. So you don't have full competence or confidence, but that's what you're trying to rely on. And when you don't have that, you go into that low commitment cycle versus, if it's something you've done in the past, then for sure you've already done it.
You already have confidence and you can just recommit and stay in the high commitment cycle. But if it's something new, if it's something that you haven't done before, that you're in that spot of that low commitment cycle, what do you do? Let's talk about how to get out of that low commitment cycle. When you're in a place where you're not feeling committed, you're not feeling courageous, you're not feeling like you know what to do and you're not feeling very confident, what I want you to do first is list out all of the thoughts that are leading you to feel a lack of those 4 things. So what are you thinking that's leading to a lack of commitment, to feeling a lack of commitment. Right? What are you thinking that's leading to feeling a lack of courage, a lack of competence, a lack of confidence, and you're gonna just do a thought download. And all that means is that you write out all the things that are coming to mind, you just get the thoughts out of your brain. You don't judge them. You don't filter them.
You just drop them all. And then you look at the relationship that those thoughts have to your results. But you think, okay, if I'm thinking this thought, then how do I feel when I think this? And right now we're saying a laugh you don't feel and you can list whatever the emotion is in the opposite form, if you would like, if you don't feel confident, what is it that you feel? Or you can just say lack of confidence. But right now, we're gonna talk in terms of lack these 4 things that you need. So what are all the thoughts that lead to lack of commitment, courage, competence, in confidence. And then when you fill those things, what do you do or not do? If it's a lack, this is your default brain pattern. It's just your brain is offering you these thoughts, you're feeling these feelings, and then it's gonna probably send you into, some inaction, most likely, or some action that's not really helpful towards your goals. Action like, I'm just gonna go watch Netflix instead.
Right? That might be a thing that you do. There's lots of options, but that's one thing. And then, of course, whatever those actions are, you'll be able to see that those actions are not helping you get closer to your results. So that's the first thing you're gonna do. You're gonna create more awareness of what is actually happening and how the thoughts that you're thinking are leading to the results that you have right now or the lack of results. Okay? Then what I want you to do is look at some intentional thoughts. So what do you need to think in order to feel more committed, in order to feel more courageous, more confident, and then walk through those same steps. If you feel more of those 4 things, what are you more likely to do? What are your actions gonna look like? And then what would your results me.
These first couple of steps are just bringing more awareness to the fact that your thoughts have so much power on how you take action, what you do or don't do. Okay? Your brain is gonna offer you all of these thoughts for what's not working and why it's not working. And when it does, I want you to ask your brain, okay, that could be true, but what also could be true? What's another way to look at this? For example, if your brain's like, that's not gonna work, I want you to ask your brain, well, how is it already working? Right? And just give equal airtime to the possibility, to the positivity. Right? Your brain's gonna offer you all the reasons it's not gonna work. Gonna give you all of the things that are gonna go wrong. You can ask questions to figure out what is working. So some examples of those questions, if you're lacking confidence in the moment, you're saying, I don't know. Well, what do you know? What do you understand? What is clear? If you're lacking commitment, let's flip that.
How are you on board already? Where do you already agree? If you're lacking confidence, you're saying I don't have experience. No? Okay. Let's slip that. What experience do you have? And you're gonna create some intentional thoughts that will serve you, that will get you closer to your goal, that will get you taking action.
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