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Why do you wait to do so many things in your business and life until money arrives? If you wanted to welcome money in your life and business, there are some things you should do to prepare. You should act as if it’s already on the way. You don’t wait to get everything ready for guests to arrive to your home, you prepare in advance, right? So, why do we do the exact opposite when it comes to money!?
Imagine for a moment that you were having a dinner party and invited a handful of your best friends over. You set the date and the time and you sent word to them. You're so excited to see them that you walk over to
the front door and you stand Patiently waiting for the 1st person to arrive. The minutes pass by slowly as you eagerly await for arrival. And finally, there is a knock at the door. So what do you do? You frantically rush to the shower, get dressed, Clean the house, play in the menu, go to the grocery store, cook dinner, set the table, turn on music, light some candles and then finally open the door. You might be thinking, WTF, Catherine. Of course, I wouldn't wait to do all of that until someone actually arrives and knocks on the door. So then why do you wait to do so many things in your business and life until money arrives? If you wanted to welcome money into your life and business, there are some things that you should do to prepare. You should act as if it's already on the way. You don't wait to get everything ready for guests to arrive to your home. You prepare in advance. But when
it comes to money, for some reason, we do the exact opposite. I'm curious, what's your revenue goal? Now, what would you do if you were 100% certain That you were gonna hit that goal. That you would make that exact amount of money or more. How would you make decisions differently? What would you invest in? What would you already have in place?
What would you do for fun? Who would you hire?
What would your marketing look like? How do you run your business differently? Now, why aren't you already Doing all of that now. There's this belief that you aren't there yet and you'll act differently once you get there. But that logic doesn't work. That's not actually how you get there. You think there's this unknown journey you need to take to get from where you are now to where you wanna be. And then finally, once you're there, You can do all of the things that you think come with money.
You think something's missing And you're searching and seeking for it as if it's the magic answer and it will automatically fill that gap and you'll
be able to jump From where you are now, to where you want to be. But the only thing standing between you And that woman that you want to be, is faith. And not just any kind of faith, faith that you will get there. Belief that is so strong, that of course, you will act as if it's already true. Because it is. Action is evidence of what you believe. I can't tell you how many times I've seen a client Hesitate. And when I do, I immediately know just how much or how little She believes in herself.
How much she believes that the goal that she set will actually happen. Because if she believed, she would be taking action. Think about it. Would you invest in a coach for $20,000 if you knew that you would make that back Many many times over. Would you allow yourself to splurge on a massage or a nanny or a pedi, If you knew that the money was coming in.
Would you get that contract ready and set up the order form to accept payment If you really believed that clients were on
the way, would you commit to showing up every single day consistently for 30 days, for 60 days, for 90 days. If you knew that that's what it would take to get clients And that it would actually result in getting clients. Would you consistently market yourself? If you really believed in yourself, what action would you take? It's time to get ready and to start acting as if, success is already on the way. As if it's a done deal. Because it is. So, I invite you to walk to your door and to open it, but not to stand there waiting And staring. Open the door to success.
But then go do something about it. Go get ready for its arrival. It's on the way and there's no need to wait for it to arrive in order to get ready. Because you know that's not how it works. If that's what you do, it won't come. You actually have to start acting as if it's on the way for it to actually show up. So starting today, starting right now, What do you need to do to act as if success is on its way?
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How to make $25k, $50k, and $100k+ months on repeat
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