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Over the years, I’ve come to realize the importance of leadership in business and the difference it can make in truly scaling.
Success ultimately comes down to the quality of leadership, yet many business owners don’t prioritize improving their leadership. What they’re missing is what I refer to as the elevate effect.
When you elevate your role as CEO and your leadership skills, you elevate your team and your results.
Hey, and welcome back to the podcast, things might look and sound a little different around here. And I'm excited to catch you up on what's been going on behind the scenes. There are seasons in business where, well let me back up. There are seasons in life where there's these spurts, these growth spurts. And I feel like when those happens, sometimes, personally, I grow leaps and bounds. And then it takes a little time to translate all of the shifts that I have made to the business, and to really give the business an opportunity to catch up. It takes some thought to even translate what I've been experiencing. And it's been fascinating how, over time over the course of my entire business, I've just stepped more and more and more into what I believe I was always supposed to be doing what I was always supposed to be focusing on. And yet, I think looking back, there were moments where I held back, because I didn't fully think that that was possible for me or I didn't think I was ready for that level. And I've had coaches in the past tell me things that they saw for me, I've had colleagues in the past, tell me what they thought I was great at or what my strengths were. And while it was nice to hear, I didn't fully accept those as my truth. And so when I was focusing on my business, and what I wanted to do what I have been doing, I've sometimes just held back from what I think could have always been, and I think that that's okay, I want if you feel that way about your business, if there are times where you know that there's more, and you're working to grow into that vision, that's okay. And that's normal. And when you do finally catch up to that, there's going to be a period of transition where you have to shift everything to match. And that doesn't have to be difficult. But it sometimes can take a little bit of time, especially when you've already built so much around who you were. And you have to begin to kind of break things apart and then figure out how to put them back together. That's the season that I think that I've been in over the last several months, it's probably been at least six months. Although I think that I really had a vision for where I was headed. Well, before that, it was probably I'm actually thinking back, it's been almost a year since I announced to my team, the direction that we were headed in. And we kind of kept the ball rolling in the direction that we were already going for a time just because there was momentum there. And we kind of had to slow things down, figure out what was next and begin to build that up. And so I guess, since June of last year, that's what we've been doing. And we've pivoted in many ways. Sometimes these pivots don't look so obvious or big from the outside, they feel huge, sometimes internally. And all of that says like I'm very excited about where we are and the work that we are focused on and committed to. And it's not necessarily going to feel like a huge shift. I don't believe to everyone here because a lot of the things that we're going to talk about, I was already talking about, but we just weren't positioned in that way. And so now we're gonna shift things more formally. And I'm excited to be back to talk about that. So to let you in a little bit on why this shift has happened. First of all, I've been serving, helping them grow and scale their businesses. And the more that my clients have grown, the more that I've realized that what they came to me wanting wasn't at all what they needed. And so the work that I'm now sharing more publicly, the work that I'm repositioning my brand around is the work that I've been doing behind the scenes because I had the expertise and it's what my clients needed, but it's just not what they came to me for. So what do I mean by that? My clients came to me wanting to scale their businesses wanting to free up their time, wanting to make more money, but the way that they wanted to do that often wasn't what they needed. They maybe wanted to focus on different marketing strategies or how to streamline systems in the business. And those are things that can help with, I have expertise in those areas too. But when it really came down to it, it's not what they needed the most. Because as your business and your vision grow, you begin to realize you can't do everything yourself. That's what my clients began to realize. And if you're in that spot, then you might find yourself in a position of building and leading a team. Even if you have little to know management experience. The thing is, leadership isn't about doing the work yourself. It's about achieving results through other people. And while my clients wanted to free up their time, and they wanted to scale their business, which meant they needed to learn to delegate, what they actually needed to learn the most was how to lead the people they were delegating to. Because it's not enough to simply delegate. If you want your people to achieve results, then you have to maintain responsibility for those people, you have to take care of them, you have to build trust, you have to learn how to lead. And you have to step into a leadership role in your business. And a role, that's an important role that you might be largely ignoring, but needs to be filled. It's a position that in many cases, you need to fill yourself, even though you may not yet be qualified. And you may not have all of the skills or the tools. It's a role that you need to step into. It's a role that my clients have needed to step into. And it's a role that can make or break whether the business continues to be successful. In fact, I think it's the single most important role, the single most important skill that you need to scale your business. And that's coming from someone who started my career working in the marketing agency world, where I soaked up everything I could about growing businesses, I learned the ins and outs of marketing from experienced colleagues, from reading countless business books, and from hands on experience, marketing billion dollar brands, I found out what worked well for my clients. And it wasn't the same for everyone. What worked well, for some didn't quite impact others in the same way. No matter how much we marketed. Some businesses, they struggled to keep customers happy, or to maintain profitability. They may have learned how to market well, but it wasn't enough. And that's when I began to realize the importance of operations. And that great marketing alone would never be enough to overcome a faulty business model, a disorganized back end, or an inefficient team, especially long term. Marketing without operations was like trying to fill a leaky bucket. So I studied business operations. I've been consulting on that for years now. I've served as a fractional COO to multiple businesses before focusing solely on coaching. And yet again, my eyes have been opened. Streamlining operations really move the needle for some businesses. It's been a major catalyst that's removed bottlenecks and freed up the business owner and multiplied revenue. But there are some businesses where neither marketing nor streamline operations have been enough to move the business forward alone. In order to substantially move things forward. There was something else that was needed. And so again, this is what I've been teaching and coaching my clients around behind the scenes. To be clear, on paper and on social media, a business can look successful. And then behind the scenes, there's a trail of empty promises, missed goals, low morale, lack of ownership, constant turnover, whether that's with clients or with team, but especially with team because what I eventually realized is that what successful businesses have, that the struggling businesses didn't have, even after they solved marketing, even after they solved operations. Even after they took great, amazing care of their clients. They would still struggle if they didn't have great leadership. And what I know now is that behind every truly successful business is a great leader. That may sound obvious, but entrepreneurs spend the majority of their time money and energy on marketing. Some take that next step and spend time on their operations structured systems. But entrepreneurs I've found are very slow to improve their leadership. They don't prioritize it. They feel like it's a waste of time. And sure they might invest in teams, but then they get into a cycle of hiring and firing when it doesn't go well, and they think their team is blind. So what they're missing is what I call the Elevate effect. It's kind of like the Midas touch where everything touched turns to gold. Except The Elevate Effect™ is when you elevate to your role as CEO. You improve your leadership skills, you're equipped with the leadership tools that you need, and you help everyone and everything around you elevate. As a leader, you elevate your strategy, and ensure that you have a profitable team. You elevate execution, to make sure your team is highly productive. You elevate your management, ensuring that your team is always progressing and improving. You elevate the culture, leading to a passionate team that's happy, devoted and stays around long term. These are four areas that you can elevate, and that you can learn how to improve. These make up The Elevate Effect™. And it's a set of skills that can be taught. It's the work that I've been doing with my clients. And it's the work that I'm committed to sharing with you here on the podcast. So stay tuned, and we're going to keep talking about scaling your business. We're going to help you scale well beyond seven figures. We're going to talk about how to free up time as you transition from a doer to a leader. But most of all, we're gonna help you get the best results from your team. We're going to help you build and lead a high performing team and we're going to help you become a high performing CEO. Okay, that's what I've got for you this week. Looking forward to seeing you next week.
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