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As business owners, it’s easy to feel like we’re making progress and headed in the right direction when we put our head down and hustle like crazy.
Well, I have news for you.
You might be suffering from vision drift if you do this.
If you’re not using your vision to filter all your decisions, you could be doing things that are leading you off track, all while feeling like you’re making progress.
When my kids were little and learning to swim, there was a phase where they would take a deep breath, close their eyes, put their face underwater and kick like crazy. There was no coming up for air, just kicking and moving through the water hoping to get to the other side. As a result, they'd often end up going in the wrong direction, bumping into people and taking way longer to get where they wanted to go. This happens in business too, business owners get a glimpse of where they want to go. And then they put their heads down and hustle like crazy. They make seemingly small decisions without looking up and little by little they head in the opposite direction and drifting away from their vision.
Here's something you need to be aware of. Drifting doesn't always feel like relaxing on a float and just chillin. Sometimes the harder and faster you work, the more you drift. You feel like you're being productive, you're making decisions, and you're taking lots of action. It just happens to be in the wrong direction. And it's not always obvious. The logic behind those seemingly small decisions may even appear to be solid, you or a team member or a consultant might think or say, This is what's worked best in the past, this will be the quickest way to get results. This is what my best customers want more of, this will convert the easiest. But outside of the context of your bigger vision, this logic does not hold up. Do you want to keep doing what worked well in the past? If it's not what you want to be doing in the future? Do you want the quickest results if they're not the same results that you actually want long term? Do you want to make decisions based on what your customers want help with today? If it's not what you want to focus on moving forward? Do you want to take the easiest path now, if it will actually move you further away from your vision?
No, of course not. So here are three steps to help you avoid vision drift. First, write down your long term vision, your vision needs to be written down, like on paper where you can go reference it and where your team can go reference it. Ideally, you have it written down for both life and business, and you get really, really specific and then I want you to revisit it and updated often. Remember, it's a living, breathing document you should add to it. You can take away things if your vision changes, but keep it up to date. Second, I want you to share your vision with anyone who is helping you or advising you and your business. I want you to build vision casting into your business routine. So it's always top of mind for the people who are supporting you on your journey. If you have a team, they need to know your vision, they need to clearly see where you're heading so they can help you get there. If you're working with a consultant or a coach, or anyone else they need to know your vision, because they need to give you advice based on where you want to go. Not based on their ideas of where you should go. Three. I want you to reference your vision before you make decisions. When you and others are clear on your vision, decisions become more obvious. Using your vision as a filter for decisions keeps you and your team on the right track. Don't take advice from someone without consulting your vision.
First, with your vision in mind. And only once you have your vision in mind, identify the goals and strategy that will work toward your vision instead of away from it. So if you want to avoid vision drift, write down your long term vision. Then share your vision with your team and advisors and remind them of it, keep them aware of it. Keep it top of mind and reference it before you make any decisions. If you're making a big decision or if you're delegating a big decision to a team member, if you're consulting with someone, take a look back, make sure it's related to your vision. It's aligned right? Otherwise you can find yourself drifting away. So as the CEO as the leader of your business, I don't want you to put your head down and keep it down and just hustle like crazy. You've got to come up for air. You have to look at what's ahead so that you can point everyone else in the right direction. You have to give everyone clarity around where you're headed. And you've got to make sure that you're keeping your eye on that destination that you're working towards. That's your job. Creating that vision, sharing that vision. Staying aligned to that vision is one of your top priorities as a CEO.
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