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Are you ready for your new normal?
Everyone’s normal is different. In one business a woman could be making 1k a month and that could be normal for her. Someone else could be appalled at only making $1k a month and might be making $10k, $20k or $100k a month or more. Whatever your normal is, is pretty much what you can expect.
So, is it normal for your income to barely cover your expenses? Is it normal for no one to sign up for your highest offer and only book the lowest offer? What I can tell you is those things might be normal for you but they are not normal for everyone and they don’t have to be normal for you! Here’s the thing… whatever you expect is what you should plan on getting. If you want new outcomes, then change your normal! If you’re booking in an average of one client per month and that’s your normal, change your expectation, increase it!
Here are six steps to help you along this process.
So I have a little story for you. I was out of town about a week and a half ago in Houston. And while I was out of town, I got this text from my husband that was pretty funny. He decided to take the kids out to dinner while I was traveling, and He asked the kids where they wanted to go. And my daughter said she's 7. My daughter Ellie is 7, and she said, Let's go somewhere fancy. And he was like, oh, okay. He's like, like, where? Where would you wanna go? And she said, how about Golden Corral? Now I don't know if you know anything about Golden Corral, because they may not have them wherever you are, but it's an all you can eat buffet and not like a fancy, nice, expensive buffet, like a pretty just normal place to eat.
Right? It's pretty normal. But to her, it's fancy, and we cracked up about that. What was fancy to her was normal to us, and it got me thinking a little bit. Everyone's normal is different. Right? Everyone's normal is different. In one business, A woman could be making $1,000 a month and that could be normal to her. Someone else could be absolutely appalled at the idea of only bringing in $1,000 a month it might make $10,000 a month. Someone else could be shocked to hear that someone's only making $10,000 in their business per month and could be making 30,000 or 200,000 or whatever.
Right? You get the point. Everyone has a different normal. And here's the thing. Whatever your normal is It's pretty much what you can expect. You can expect your normal to be your reality. So is it normal for your income to barely cover your expenses? Is it normal for no one to sign up for your highest offer and to only book in at the lowest offer. Is it normal for you to have no engagement in your Facebook group or to only grow your email list by a handful per month. Is it normal for clients to only sign up at the beginning of the launch when the price is the lowest and not at the end.
What I can tell you is all of those things might be normal for you, but they're not normal for everyone. They don't have to be normal for you. But whatever you expect is what you should plan on getting. This is true for all areas of life. It's not just business. So what's your normal balance in your savings account, your personal savings account? What's your normal weight? What do you and your partner normally fight about? What's your normal routine look like in the morning? What do you normally eat? Whatever you consider to be normal will be your reality. So guess what? Just because it's your normal and that's your current reality, It doesn't have to be. Right? If you want new outcomes, then change your normal.
Just change your normal. You get to change it. How amazing is that? So if you have $1,000 in your checking account and that's the minimum amount that you are used to having or that you would tolerate, increase that expectation. Right? If you're booking in an average of 1 client per month and that's your normal, change your expectation. Increase it. I've got 6 steps to help you along this process. Okay? Six steps to really create and make this new normal a reality. The first step might be the toughest.
You've gotta figure out what your normal is right now. Really honestly, what is your normal right now. Don't lie to yourself, girl. Mm-mm. That's not gonna do you any good. You've got to get clear on what your normal is now. This might hurt a little, might sting a bit. If you binge watch Netflix while you have no clients, Write that down.
If you work all the time just to avoid your husband, write that down. If you never do live videos because you can't stay in the way that you look, write that down. Whether you feel like you're lazy, you're broke, you're overweight, whatever it is, if that's your normal, write it down. Then number 2, understand where you learned this normal. Where did these thoughts come from? Did you learn to struggle and spend more than you're earning from your parents. Did that come from early childhood? Did you learn this state of normal from the people that you surround yourself with. Is it normal to surround yourself with people who bad mouth their husbands, and so that's what you do. Is it normal to be among a group of entrepreneurs who are all struggling? You might need to make some changes, and we'll get to that.
But first, you have to understand where this normal where your current idea of normal even comes from before you can change it. Once you know where it comes from, you're better equipped to make some changes, to surround yourself with new people, thoughts, or beliefs, whatever it is. Number 3, You gotta get uncomfortable or even absolutely disgusted with your current normal. If you want something different, then the pain of where you are now has to be greater than the pain of where you want to be. So the idea of staying where you are now should be absolutely appalling. There's gotta be no way that you're gonna tolerate staying where you are right now. There's no way you're gonna tolerate only having $1,000 in your checking account. There is no way you're going to tolerate not booking in clients each month.
There is no way you're gonna tolerate seeing that number on the scale. There is no way that you're gonna tolerate a relationship that is boring or whatever it is for you. There are so many things. This works for all areas of life. You've gotta stop tolerating and get really just disgusted with the way things are. You might get worked up. That's okay. Actually, you should.
Get worked up. Get fired up over it. Why the heck are you settling? Why are you putting up with things the way that they are? Why are you choosing to let things stay this way because it is a choice, by the way. It's a choice that you make. Number 4, decide on your new normal. What does that look like? Now when we talk about new normal, I want you to really dream. Go over the top. It might sound too good to be true, but anything is possible.
Dream big. Maybe your new normal is walking into a 5 star hotel and being recognized. They remember you. You go there so often that they know who you are. Maybe your new normal is always flying first class. Maybe your new normal is having a team of people in your business that you support and pay, and you're used to those expenses. It's normal. Maybe your new normal is a certain amount that you're going to charge for your services.
Maybe you're gonna increase that rate and something that sounds crazy to you right now becomes your new price point. So decide on your new normal and think long term and big picture. Now you're not gonna get there overnight, So don't let this hold you back. Don't feel like you can't dream because all of a sudden it's your new normal right now as in, like, you've gotta be there immediately. Allow yourself to dream big. Allow yourself to think long term down the road. Again, over the top. Then number 5, you're gonna take baby steps until you reach this new normal.
Baby steps. That's all it takes. If you spend every dime that you have every single month and at the end of the month, you have nothing in your bank account, then create a next step. Maybe your new normal is to have a minimum of 10 k in checking because, otherwise, it's in savings or invested or wherever. Right? Maybe you want a minimum of 20 k, 50 k. I don't care what it is. Whatever your new normal is, you're not gonna get there immediately, but what's your next step? Maybe it's just never letting your account get under $500 and then never letting it get under $1,000 and then 2,000 and then 5,000 and just take those incremental steps. Right? Incremental steps to work towards your new normal.
If you're used to serving only 1 client at a time and not booking in anymore. Then make your new normal 2 and then 3 and then 4 and work your way up to whatever the new normal is. So take baby steps until you reach that new normal. And number 6, and I know I've already touched on it because I couldn't help it, but never again settle for your current normal. For that matter, as soon as something becomes normal, create another new normal. Keep growing. Success is a moving target. And what that means is, first of all, everyone has a different definition of success.
What's normal for some people isn't normal to others? All have a different definition of normal. We all have a different definition of success. As soon as you reach whatever you'd consider to be normal, change it. Up it. Up the ante. Don't tolerate anything less, and continue to change that normal and create even more for yourself. Again, whatever it is that you consider normal is exactly what you should expect to get. Whatever you consider to be normal is exactly what you should expect to get.
You believe it? So that's what happens. Your thoughts create reality. If you want something different, The great thing is you can create it. So just start expecting something different. Go and create your new normal starting today, like, right now. Go do it. You can do this. Create that new normal, and I will see you next
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