how to let go of control so your business can grow


Owning a business doesn't mean doing all the work.

You grew your business with your hands in everything and now you don’t know how to get out of it. You personally drive sales and ensure clients are happy, and you make a lot of money - multi 6-figures or more - by being deeply involved in the day-to-day.

But, you feel trapped in your business, drowning in daily tasks and questions, making every minor decision and catching up on work at midnight. You don’t know how to strategically change your role without sales or client satisfaction dipping. You know you’re meant to run your business in a very different way, but you’re afraid of going backwards.

You can own and scale a business without being involved in every detail when you know how to let go of control and manage results instead of tasks.

I’ll show you how.


A workshop designed to help you let go of control and embrace true leadership. 

I’ll guide you through the essential leadership shifts needed to step back from micromanaging and allow your business to thrive independently.

Learn more

Imagine a business where you’re not the bottleneck, where your team is self-sufficient, and where you can focus on strategic growth.

This workshop will show you how to transition from controlling every detail to owning the big picture and leading your team to sustainably scale.

  • You’re Overwhelmed and Overworked: Enough with the midnight emails and constant firefighting. It’s time to let go of control, feel calm, and start running your business instead of letting it run you.

  • You Want to Grow Your Revenue: Being the bottleneck stifles growth. Step back from daily tasks, focus on strategic growth and watch your income explode. 

  • You Want More Freedom: No more sacrificing your personal time and peace of mind. Reclaim your life while your business runs efficiently and independently. Your freedom is non-negotiable.

  • You Want a Stronger, Self-Reliant Team: A team that depends on you is a weak team. By relinquishing control, you’ll empower a motivated, accountable team that excels and drives results without your constant oversight.

  • You Want Sustainable Growth: True growth isn’t about being at the center of everything. You can build a resilient, self-sufficient business that thrives without you being the bottleneck.

This is for you if…

What’s Included

The Ownership Workshop

A value packed workshop that guides you through the transition from control to ownership. 

Lifetime Access

You’ll have access to this workshop to come back to over and over again. 


What We’re Covering


3 keys to making your business more self-sufficient, plus how your current identity is keeping you stuck in the day-to-day operations of your business


My 5-Part TRUST Method for letting go of control without sacrificing results


Common habits of business owners that you think are improving results, but are actually limiting your ability to scale your income and freedom (and what to do instead)


The psychology behind your desire for control, and what you need to understand to finally let go


My 3-Part Framework that immediately improves the results you get from your team, while also freeing up your time


The powerful mindset and leadership shifts to expand your self-concept as the CEO of a wildly successful company (you cannot out scale your own self-concept)


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Founder & CEO of The Unshakable Company

I used to be overwhelmed, involved in every tiny decision, and unable to step back from my business. It was exhausting and frustrating, making me feel trapped and burnt out. 

I believed controlling everything was the only way to succeed. It’s how I grew my business to multi 6-figures per year.

But now, I lead my business differently.

By letting go of control, I’ve built a business that doesn’t require my constant involvement in every little thing as it continues to scale.

I’ve shifted my mindset from a doer to a leader, and now I feel more calm, certain and free.

This is possible for you too.

I’m Kathryn

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I get lifetime access to materials?

Yes. You get lifetime access to the workshop recording.

Is this included in The Unshakable Company Incubator?

Yes. The Unshakable Company Incubator gives you access to this workshop along with a library of other on-demand programs and workshops, every new program or workshop I deliver for a year, plus weekly group coaching calls and a community for support and collaboration. 

Have another question?

Not sure if this is for you or have another question we haven’t answered yet? Email and Team Unshakable will get back to you ASAP. Please only email if you’ve read through this page and you are serious about investing.

I understand that letting go can be challenging, especially when your business feels like a part of you.

But you deserve a business and life you love. It's time to run your business differently so you can enjoy both to the fullest.