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So, let me get this straight.
You want more freedom in your life.
The 9 to 5 just wasn’t cutting it.
So, you rolled up your sleeves and vowed never to work for anyone else again.
Thus, your business was born.
You planned it all out – down to the single detail.
✅ Booked all services.
✅ Happy clients.
✅ $10k months.
✅ Vacations whenever.
(This is you…#livingthelife)
But, then…
The reality of business sets in.
This entrepreneurship thing is NO JOKE.
You’re like…
Seriously? I’ve got to market, sell AND deliver??
But, you do it anyway – all in the name of being your own boss.
You’re working 70 hours a week doing…
But, is that REALLY moving the needle in your business?
Or, are you just telling yourself that? ←—(here’s my hunch)
‘Cause the truth is…
You can do less and get *way* more done.
Say whaaaaaaat?
Yep, you heard that right.
It’s a real thing.
And, the bonus?
You can do all 5 of these strategies in your PJ’s —> with plenty of extra time for Netflix binging (no judgement here😉).
Here’s how you can Amplify Your Results by Simplifying Your Strategy:
Got a bad case of “shiny object syndrome?” One minute you’re trying to build your Instagram following, the next minute you’re Pinterest pinning your pants off, and now you’re stuck with that new Facebook Ads course you thought would land you more clients.
Listen. Trying to do everything will leave you feeling dried up like a raisin in the sun. Set goals that really matter. Stop chasing shiny objects and false metrics. Stay focused on one thing at a time. A million goals = a million reasons why your business isn’t growing.
Quick Tip:
Write down 2 big goals you want to reach in the next 90 days. Make sure you can measure them in numbers —-> I want to sell x number of services for $$$ by (insert date). Now, everything you do for your business needs to match those goals. Add the rest to a later list.
I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but I’ll say it again: When you try to talk to everyone, you’ll end up talking to no one. Pick one person to sell your products or services to. One person to talk to on social media. One person to write to on your blog. Seriously. You don’t need ‘em all.
When you choose just one person to speak to, the marketing gates will pour open and flood you with clients because you’ll FINALLY be connecting with someone and speaking directly to their struggles, needs and desires. These client connections are at the heart of selling and booking out your services.
Here’s how I like to think about this. Pretend you go to an event. You’re in a room full of people. No one knows you from the local pizza delivery guy. Do you start talking to the whole room, or do you walk up to one person and connect with them on a personal level? Remember, business is about building relationships. One customer at a time.
Makes sense, right?
Quick tip: Choose a specific target audience to focus on. Need a few ideas? Try these to get you started:
Your ideal client has a need, and they have no idea how to solve it. Giving them a laundry list of choices for how to get their solution is, well…scary (at least for your audience). They need you to tell them the best solution to their problem. You may think offering a variety of services will get you closer to your revenue goal, but it’s actually giving your audience a reason to run the other way.
You CAN hit your goal with just a few offers. No need to offer everything just because you can. I know. I know. Your industry is broad. Boy, have I heard that one before. But, you want to attract your client with the right offer. That means you’ve got to STOP shifting gears and confusing your audience. Pick one. Perfect it. Make sure it fits your clients’ needs. Then, build on that solid foundation with other offers…but only when the time is right.
Quick tip:
Tired of doing the same thing everyone else is doing on social media? Feel like you’re throwing out all this content to…crickets? STOP! Don’t publish another post or share another Instagram story before you ask yourself this —-> What’s my ROI?
Your ROI (return on investment) is what you will get in return (clients, profits, sales, etc) for your marketing efforts, and some returns are higher than others. I want you to think about what’s going to work for YOU. Trying to keep up with social media marketing trends simply isn’t the best use of your time. Your audience is different. Your services are different. You’d be surprised at how simple a strategy you need in place to land a client or book out a service. (Hint: You don’t need every social media channel.)
Quick tip:
You created your business for freedom and choice. So, why are you working nonstop? You’re burning yourself out. And, you’re not getting any more done than you would if you committed to cutting your work time down by a fraction.
The hard truth is, you’re working more, but with waaaay less productivity because you’re overdoing it. Create a plan. Establish a workflow system. And, give yourself time away from the work. Not only will your productivity increase, but you’ll be much happier with your results.
Quick tip:
Grab our step-by-step workbook to free up 10+ hours of time off of your schedule per week.
Get the strategies and systems to unshakably scale your business.
How to make $25k, $50k, and $100k+ months on repeat
When we say we help business owners unshakably scale and lead we mean ALL business owners. We believe the world is better when leaders and teams have diverse backgrounds, cultures, perspectives, characteristics and experiences. If you value doing meaningful work with others who are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, then you belong here.
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Website by Bailey Rose Creative
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