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Building the right team to scale your business will make or break your ability to get to 7 figures without hustle or burnout. In this episode, I share with you the four types of people you need on your team in order to successfully scale your business.
This refers to the CEO or founder of the business. The Visionary is a high level, conceptual thinker who sees what is possible. They are the creative spark in the company!
More emotionally driven, the Visionary is responsible for casting vision, communicating values and shaping the culture of the business. Building external relationships and learning about their industry are also part of their roles. The Visionary thinks and rethinks what’s possible when expanding the business.
If you are an entrepreneur, the Visionary is YOUR role and this is a FULL TIME role. You have to let go of other roles and hire people who are better suited for those roles.
The Integrator makes it happen. They are the right hand of the Visionary and serve as the COO. Usually, behind the scenes, they run the day to day of the business. The Integrator is responsible for growing the business, holding everything together and making sure everyone is held accountable.
They are more focused internally by creating clarity and building consistency in order to drive results. As opposed to the Visionary, the Integrator is more logically driven and creates efficiencies, processes and systems. Since the Visionary sparks a lot of ideas which may create chaos in the business, the Integrator serves as a filter by helping prioritize, removing obstacles and resolving issues.
You need a Strategist for each major function or department (or even within each of the functions or departments) in your business. They are responsible for planning, managing and measuring results. They’re not best suited to carry out the detailed tasks, that’s why you need the fourth type in your business.
They are the ones who execute. They are told what needs to be done and they get things done. Tacticians are hard workers who carry out and complete tasks specific to their roles.
Do you have all four types in your business? Right now, you may be serving in all roles in your business and you might think that you are supposed to be great at all of them, but your business needs you in the CEO role. Hiring a team is not an overnight process, but you can start by making a commitment to take steps in the right direction today!
Listen to today’s episode to find out how to build the right team to scale your business!
Well, hello again! Today, I'm excited to dive in and talk about Teams. In the last week alone, I've helped clients both hire and fire team members. Building a team is an important factor in scaling after all, but not just building any team, building the right team. I know you might feel desperate for help at times, but to successfully scale your business, you need 4 types of people on your team, and you need them in the right seeds. The first is a visionary. Now if you're the founder of your business, then this is you. The visionary and often CEO is a high-level conceptual thinker who sees what is possible.
They have big ideas and lots of them. They're great at starting things and are the creative spark in the company. The visionary is more emotionally driven and is responsible for casting vision, communicating values and shaping the culture. They're responsible for building the big relationships, especially external partnerships. They're responsible for being a student of their industry, seeing where the industry is headed, and then expanding the business by thinking and rethinking what is possible. If you are an entrepreneur, this role is your role, and it's essential for the business to grow because the visionary creates and casts vision for where the business will go. One thing I want you to know is that this role is not just your role. It is a full-time role.
In order for you to step fully into this role, you have to let go of the other roles that you're serving in and hire people who are actually more naturally suited to them. Letting go isn't easy, and many of you are stuck working in these other roles, and this is exactly why you need to understand what the different roles are. The next type of team member that you're going to need in your business in order to scale is an integrator. And when I say next, I just mean next in the 4 types, not necessarily next in hiring order. Most visionaries don't immediately hire an integrator. Although, if they did, I imagine you would scale your business so much faster, but most hire to fill their biggest pain point, and that's typically more of a tactical role to get started. Now while the visionary sees the future, the integrator is the one who makes it happen. The integrator is the right hand to the visionary, often serving as COO, chief operations officer.
While 2nd in the chain of command, the integrator is the one that truly runs the day to day of the business, overseeing and integrating every department. Behind most of the successful business owners that you know. There's actually an integrator behind the scenes who's responsible for the business growth, who holds everything together and who holds everyone accountable. The integrator as focused internally on creating clarity, improving communication, and building consistency in order to ultimately drive results. The integrator is typically more logic based and creates efficiencies, processes, systems, and they're also the ones who serve as the filter for all of those many ideas that the visionaries bring. All of those ideas can create chaos in a business unless there is someone there to help prioritize, to provide focus, and, again, to create that efficiency, all while removing any obstacles or resolving any issues, so that's what the integrator is there for at a high level. Now the 3rd type of people that you need on your team in order to scale are strategists. And the visionary and integrator are both strategists, but they're unique strategists.
They're unique in a different way. So, the visionary is bringing strategy around the vision, and an integrator is bringing strategy around systems and processes in efficiency and how to blend and unite the full company, the full team to get the best results, and those are types of strategy that are obviously critical, so critical that we've called them out as their own roles. But there are also other types of strategists that you need, and these are going to be for each of the major functions or departments in your business and maybe even within those departments, depending on how you break them out, but some of those strategists might be serving in marketing or in operations or in customer service and, of course, far more. Right? There are lots of different types of strategists that you might hire. Strategists are responsible for planning, managing, and measuring results. While some strategists also help implement their plans, they're not always the best suited to carry out the detailed tasks. That's where the 4th group comes in, tacticians. These team members execute the specific tasks that they are assigned.
They're great at getting things done, and often, they're hard workers who prefer to be told what needs to be done, and then they just get to work. So, visionaries are responsible for the vision, the overall direction of the company. Integrators are responsible for getting the overall business results efficiently. Strategists are responsible for planning and measuring results in specific areas, and tacticians are responsible for tasks specific to their role. You need all 4 of those, but do you have all 4 of these types of roles filled? And, again, you'll only need 1 visionary. You'll only need 1 integrator, but, of course, there will be multiple strategists and tacticians on your team. It's likely that you're still serving in 1, many, or even all of these roles. And maybe until now, you thought you were supposed to be great at all of them and that you're supposed to be able to do it all, but until you let go of everything outside of the visionary role, you may be holding, not just you may.
You are absolutely holding your business back from what's truly possible. In fact, you may just be too busy to even see what's truly possible in your business. So, hiring the right team isn't going to be an overnight process, but you can commit today to taking steps in the right direction. And to help you do just that, I want you to tune in next week because I'm going to share your very first step in order to move forward in this process, and that's to create your future org chart. I can't wait to talk about it. Stay tuned next week, and I will see you there.
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