Take the free Business Bottleneck Quiz to find out - in 90 seconds or less - what’s holding you back from scaling to your next level.
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Do you want to start attracting clients? First, you need to identify your core offering. There are five questions that you need to ask yourself, dig deep, and find the answers to.
List out everything you are good at, knowledgeable about, educated in, have done training for, and your special skills and strengths. What do you do better than others? There are likely quite a few things, and you need to write them all down. Everything big and small that you are really very good at. (But PLEASE do not list aspirational items. This list should only be the items that you have DONE and DO WELL.)
Now make a list of the things that light you up and make you really excited. What do you do in your free time? What’s your favorite hobby? What are you most passionate about? What breaks your heart? What do you love doing? What would you do whether you were paid for it or not?
There are so many pain points that you can help your ideal clients with, so list them all out. What problem(s) are your ideal clients struggling with that they wish more than anything to solve? What are the most common questions or concerns you hear from your clients? What are the common themes that come up? What do they wish they had? What are their frustrations? What are their dreams?
What is your audience willing to pay you for? What are they already searching for? What do they value? What is there a market for?
The basis for your core offering can be found in the overlap between what you are good at, what you are passionate about, what people need and what they are willing to pay for. What things ring true for you in all of these categories?
Grab our step-by-step workbook to free up 10+ hours of time off of your schedule per week.
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How to make $25k, $50k, and $100k+ months on repeat
When we say we help business owners unshakably scale and lead we mean ALL business owners. We believe the world is better when leaders and teams have diverse backgrounds, cultures, perspectives, characteristics and experiences. If you value doing meaningful work with others who are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, then you belong here.
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