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Every entrepreneur I speak with shares that they struggle in some way with staying focused. It’s common for business owners to be pulled in a lot of different directions. Everything seems critical and urgent. You wrap up one project, but you have countless others on your list. It feels like you’re on a treadmill, racing full speed. But, when you look up you realize your business is not moving forward. There’s a gap between where you are now and where you want to be and you can’t seem to get across.
In order to move forward, sometimes you have to stand still. Stand still at least long enough to look around and figure out where you are headed. Conduct a gap analysis and make a plan to bridge the gap with these three essential steps.
[clickToTweet tweet=”In order to move forward, sometimes you have to stand still. via @kebinkley” quote=”In order to move forward, sometimes you have to stand still.”]This is a proven process for strategic planning of any kind, at any level. You can use these steps to figure out how to cross over the gap from here to there when it comes to improving your online presence, generating leads, increasing revenue, streamlining systems and everything in between.
Grab our step-by-step workbook to free up 10+ hours of time off of your schedule per week.
Get the strategies and systems to unshakably scale your business.
How to make $25k, $50k, and $100k+ months on repeat
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